This year we have upgraded Kitchen equipment with a new dishwasher, Kettles and sorted out the crockery and persevered with general 0ngoing maintenance. We created a wild flower patch alongside the hall and sorted the outside lighting problems.
Hall refurbishments
In 2016 we investigated the problem of discoloured ceiling tiles which led to problems with the roof. There were a few tiles that had broken or were missing, allowing leaks onto the ceiling. The roof was repaired but we were told that the Hall would need a new roof wihin the next five years as it was very old. The ceiling tiles have now been replaced and looking much better. The hall committee are looking for grants and ways to afford a new roof therefore fundraising is ongoing for this purpose.
Another big job is the repair of the Hall Floor. It has not been refurbished for many years and is now becoming a problem for regular hirers, therefore the committee have been requested to look into this.
New Heating System
This has now been installed and in use over the winter 2016/17. The Hall committee applied to the Southern Area Board for a Grant towards the cost of this project and were fortunate enough on Dec 1st to be awarded a Grant of £3,200. This grant together with the grant of £525 from the Grimstead Parish council, for which we are very grateful, will be a great help in meeting the cost of this project.
New Heating system, Hall redecorated and a refurbished floor now looking lighter and more like a brand new floor!
(Installed by: http://www.floorrestorationservices.co.uk
A huge “Thank You” to the “Village Hall Committee Members” who worked hard to bring these projects to a conclusion. All committee members are volunteers, giving up their precious time for the Village community and therefore are much appreciated.
October 2014
As a direct result of difficulties with Heating the Village Hall over the winter months your Committee have made the following enquires and decided upon the action described below.
A Chartered Surveyor was called in to look over the Hall and Report possible solutions to the problems discovered.
The most direct benefit could be achieved by installing Cavity Wall Insulation and improving the Ceiling/Roof Insulation. Two quotations for this work have been received and a decision made for the work to be carried out by The Warma Group, a well reputed Company in this area.
Funds have been saved by the Village Hall Committee for just this type of improvement and we are also applying for a Grant from the Wiltshire Council, Southern Wiltshire Area Board.
This Board will be hearing our application on 13 October and, if successful, the company to which we have given the contract for this work will be able to commence immediately.We will keep you informed of progress. Once this project has been completed, the Village Hall should be a much warmer and more comfortable place for everyone.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you should have any enquiries or concerns about the project.
With best wishes.
……………………………………………. http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/communityandliving/greeneconomy.htm
OUR VILLAGE HALL COMMITTEE has been successful in securing our Grant Funding at the South Wiltshire Area Board , on the 13th October, to help with our refurbishment.
Therefore things are all go for work to start as scheduled on the 27th October.
Huge thank you for all the work done by our Chairman, Barry Pritchard, with the support of the loyal Committee!
We now look forward to Warm and cosy evenings in our Hall..!!
November 2014
Grant from the Wiltshire Council, Southern Wiltshire Area Board.
As our application for a Grant was successful we have had the Insulation installed and are reaping the benefits of a warmer Village Hall and look forward to saving money on the elctric bills..!!

Grateful thanks to our “Wiltshire Council”, Southern Wiltshire Area Board for providing a much needed boost to help our funds for this project.….….